In Funding
Tripi Engineering Services
Interior Design
Toronto Jewish Community Center

Toronto, ON
The greater Toronto Community has sought to relocate their existing mikvah to the new Jewish community center. The program includes a single immersion pool along with one changing room and a single bath/toilet room. In addition, a beit din room will connect to the mikvah pool along with a gathering/waiting room with direct access to the changing area. Clothing closets will be included in the program for individual visitors as well as a linen/utility storage. The small, tiled pool will be filled with water to shoulder height. There is an additional vessel called the bor that holds "living water." Through a conduit, this water "kisses" the water in the immersion pool. The spaces are designed with tiles evoking basic earth tones, coupled with water and intriguing lighting, give the bath a sense of historic connection while packaged in a contemporary tranquil design. The ritual of immersion in its resurgence is a powerful tool in the modern search for spirituality and meaning.